Mechanical Engineering – Summer Placement 2022

Mechanical Engineering – Summer Placement 2022

Closes: February 18, 2022
Location: Culham, Oxfordshire, UK, Europe
Salary: £8
Work Type: Internship

This listing is one of a number of summer placements offered by UKAEA.

Role Description:
UKAEA offer excellent opportunities for motivated and enthusiastic undergraduate students studying at UK Universities to join our 8-12 week summer placement scheme. Our scheme gives you a unique opportunity to contribute to the development of one of the most advanced sources of sustainable and clean energy. During your summer programme, you will experience a   broad range of diverse tasks, work on real projects, and gain invaluable experience within the fusion energy sector. We need you to help us develop the ultimate source of electricity! Our summer scheme is designed for students entering their final year of studies (September 2022) with potential opportunities post-graduation, and other year groups. UKAEA offers a nurturing and supportive community for you to gain some valuable work experience in a fascinating and rapidly evolving industry. UKAEA is committed to supporting all members of our community, especially with respect to mental health awareness and promoting well-being. Our qualified Mental Health First Aiders are trained to provide guidance and ensure the highest levels of confidentiality. What will the summer scheme cover? Examples of the type of work / projects you could be involved in include:
  • Adaptive position control system for intelligent robotic system for remote handling
  • Development of advanced robotic control methods for remote maintenance
  • Robot control and programming for remote operation