What is Grassroots Graduates?
It is a modernised job board, that aims to support talent that is currently underrepresented in the workforce in their search for jobs – as well as apprenticeships and internships – in the UK.
We aim to diversify and make the job market inclusive by supporting professionals from marginalised backgrounds.
Our approach is to support job seekers and employers throughout the job seeking process.
Our mission
Our founders Monica and Lisa came together in 2021 to challenge the narrative from employers in elite professions that talent from backgrounds currently underrepresented in the workforce was/is difficult to find.
Grassroots Graduates was created to provide employers with a platform that would allow them to easily source and recruit talent from marginalised backgrounds. Both founders recognise the importance of safeguarding talent from Grassroots and marginalised and minoritised communities; hence the inclusion of Anti–Bias and Anti–Racism training for the advertising employers that may recruit Grassroots Graduates Job hunters.
Aside from providing support for employers it was important to the founders that job seekers of all ages were able to have easy access to resources that could assist them in creating applications and their Job search. For example: CV writing, Interview preparation and so much more.
Grassroots Graduates aim to help increase diversity in the workplace, facilitate a more inclusive working environment and support upcoming talent.
Want to know more / advertise your vacancies with us?
If you would like to discuss the costs to advertise your vacancies with us please contact info@grassrootsgraduates.com. Grassroots Graduates is a not for profit initiative.